Thursday, November 4, 2010
airport visit with Grandma!
Yesterday my mom flew to SanFransico to help with my grandpa who has terminal lung cancer and doesnt have much more time left with us. her flight had a lay over in Salt lake, so we drove there to visit with her for only about 40 minutes. I love seeing my mom any chance i get. It was fun and Payton loves her to death! Forget about mommy when grandmas around! Kayleen came also and her boyfriend and his mother came to meet my mom. It was a very nice visit! Love you mom!

i love this picture! i think ill print it and frame it!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Trick or Treaters in training!
This year Holloween fell on a Sunday so everyone here in Utah celebrated on Sat night. We were invited to dusty and joslins for a very fun night. Her cousin Mckelle and her husband Jake and their little girl were there als. We had a spoky holoween dinner and then while the daddy's stayed and watched football us mommys took our little Trick or Treaters in training out around the neighborhood. They were so adorable. It is so fun to have cousins the same age. They fight as much as they love but how cute are they!!!

Pumpkin Time!
We had an awesome family night carving pumkins and being silly! Fall is the best time of the year and it is so fun that Payton is getting older to enjoy it with us!
The Adams family jack-o-lantern's
Payton and mommy!
She was very into it but would only touch it with her ice cream scooper! haha
Daddy and Payton! Daddy did most of the work. We love our Daddy!

One of the best things about living here is being able to see the beautiful seasons changing! It is truly breath taking!
Disney Land!
Me and my Sister-in-law went to California a few weeks ago to visit family and friends. We had a blast and i def. have one of the best sister-in-laws ever! It was a very long road trip there and back but the girls are awesome on the road and we have a lot of fun and good laughs wile on the road. While we were there Grammy Debbie took the girls to Disneyland and bought them these adorable baby princess costumes! She is awesome and we had a great time being able to see Jordan's family and seeing mine. There is never enough time for everything you would like to do but i am so glad a got to spend a lot of much needed time with my mom. Sh is a hard worker and i dont get t see her as much as i would like. She had 3 full days off while we were there and i was very excited. I loved being there and we had a blast!

She is off to her castle!

Me and Payton

Wishing for their Prince's
And she was off again!
She is off to her castle!
Me and Payton
Wishing for their Prince's
Saturday, October 2, 2010
I'm slowly learning!
Ok so i finally figured out how to change a few things on my blog. Sorry for the retardedness of it lately.... and for a complete idiot when it comes to computers i am slowly learning and now can actually start blogging like a normal person. Also as soon as i get my camera back from being fixed in CA i will be posting some new pictures of our little family over this summer! Hope you all are well. Oh ya arnt you all so excited it's Halloween time?!!!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Payton's 1st Birthday!!
so : ) We just recently celebrated Payton's first birthday. well, actually we celebrated it twice. we had one party here in Utah with some friends and family, then we went home to Vista to have her actual party with family there as well. I cannot believe shes one. It seems like the last year has flown by so quick. We've had a lot of changes this past year. For starters we moved to Utah... I cant say its the most desirable place to live. Our roots are in San Diego and we cant imagine living the rest of our lives away from our home. So we decided that its in our best interest to make a plan to get back there someday. (sooner rather than later, relatively speaking) But for now we are enjoying our time here in Utah and especially enjoying watching Payton developing from a baby into a toddler, with teeth temper and the whole works. She hasnt had much progress in the hair department, so people tend to think shes alot younger than she really is. But shes recently hit a growth spurt and shes starting to look her age a bit more. But all in all shes really developed into a beautiful, intelligent and funny little kid. For her birthday we celebrated at our house here in Orem. we had some friends and family over, and tons of food. Grandpa Rick got her a brand new play house, complete with a working doorbell and cordless phone. She loves it. She also got alot of clothes and toys which she loves just the same. Then 2 weeks later we flew to San Diego to celebrate with more family and soak up the moisture and sun in southern California. We were there for about a week and Jordan joined us for a few days but had to be back for work. Here are some pictures from the last few weeks. : )
Friday, December 18, 2009
Our Life!
I have realized that i am the worst blogger ever known to blogging history! One of my New years resolutions before the new year is to be a better blogger. It has been a crazy and wonderful year and I'm so sad that i haven't posted all of the amazing things that have gone on. To start Payton June was born on June 9Th weighing 7 lbs 11oz. She is the most amazing baby and i think my heavenly father new exactly what he was doing when he sent her to us. She is full of life and is truly the happiest and smiliest babies I've ever seen. She just turned 6 months and looking back i cannot believe how fast it has gone by. Some of the new and exciting things we get to enjoy her doing lately are rolling EVERYWHERE, saying "dadadadadadada" which makes Jordan the happiest dad in the world, laughing all the time, loving us being silly, and starting to sit by herself. (for about max 4 seconds :) ) We Love her like crazy! Jordan recently joined the Utah National Guard and will be leaving for around 4 months for training soon! :( Yes that also means we are moving to Utah. I never thought those words would come out of my mouth but ill get use to them. We are very excited for the new change even if it is a little scary. I think of this past year and even though it might have been a tough one it has also been AMAZING and we have been blessed with so much! Love you all and Merry Christmas!
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